When your pet is not in your care, it’s important to make sure that they’re taken care of just as well as you would take care of them, yourself. With Gentreo’s Pet Information Sheet, you can store all of your pet’s information in one place for whomever is looking after your furry friends. If you travel a lot for work or pleasure, and you can’t always take your pet with you, it’s very helpful for the kennel or your pet’s sitter to have everything they need to know at their fingertips.
What does the Pet Info Sheet do?
With Gentreo’s Pet Information Sheet, you can provide pet sitters and caregivers with the details about caring for your pet. List your pet’s vet and emergency contact information, note their diet and exercise routines and preferences, point out medications and dosages, and more! You can even list things like your pet’s favorite toys, treats, walk routes, and any other details that will help your pet’s caregiver take care of them as you would.
How can I create a Pet Information Sheet and what does it cost?
You can create your own Pet Info Sheet easily, but if you would like to use our survey and tool, you can create a comprehensive Pet Information Sheet with Gentreo Pets.
Gentreo Pets includes only the pet-specific documents – a Pet Power of Attorney, Pet Trust, and Pet Information Sheet – and costs $49 per year. Membership includes secure storage in Gentreo’s proprietary Digital Vault, where you can share your pet protection documents with caregivers and other individuals of your choosing. With the Vault, anyone you choose can access documents and information in an emergency with just a couple of clicks.
Why do I need Gentreo Pets?
Having all your documents in one place makes it easily accessible for your pet’s caregiver. In case of an emergency, if you’re traveling, or if you have a pet sitter watching over your pet for a short period of time, this information makes sure your pet is protected and cared for. If something were to happen to your pet while you’re away, having all this information in one place could save precious time. Don’t leave your pet unprotected or your pet sitter uninformed. Join Gentreo Pets today so you can make sure that you can prepare, plan for, and protect your pets.