Use code family50 to give those you love a $50 discount off a full Gentreo membership.
This holiday season is unlike any we have ever been through. But, there are some things that will always hold true. It’s a time to bring together friends and family (even if only virtually). It’s a time to take stock of your blessings and look forward to the possibilities ahead. For our family, we’ll be celebrating with video calls, lots of brown paper packages (though not tied up with strings), phone calls and cards.
As you gather your family together this holiday, make sure your family is protected and prepared. Everyone needs estate planning and now it’s easy, fast and available to all.
Start by finishing your estate plan to make sure you identify your choices and how you want to protect your family (like who would care for your children or get your assets if you passed away).
Next, share your estate plan with those you choose so that everyone knows where to turn in an emergency. Gentreo is about more than just completing documents; we help you store critical information and upload documents ( those created with Gentreo and those that you already have). That way, if you are three states away and need to find your daughter’s Health Care Proxy, it is only a click away.
Finally, be sure to remind those you love that they also need to do their own estate plan. To learn more about how to talk to your family about estate planning, visit our guide here.
If your family and friends haven’t done their own estate plan, they can receive a $50 discount to join Gentreo when they enter code family50 when joining. Take time this holiday season to make sure not only you, but all those you love are protected and prepared. Share the discount code family50 with everyone you love and encourage them to start protecting themselves today.
Offer expires January 31, 2025. Discount applies to first year of membership. Membership renews at current rate at the time of renewal.