Category: Estate Planning

PODCAST-The Aftermath: I Created my Estate Plan. Now What?

Jacob Murphy is joined once again by Julie Fry, one of the founders of Gentreo. In this week’s episode, Julie and I talk about the process after the process of estate planning. Once you have completed creating your documents, what do you need to do next? Julie helps us explore the importance of digital secure storage and the necessity of having a network of loved ones that can easily and efficiently access your documents. Additionally, we discuss the “When”, “Why” and “How” for keeping your estate plan updated as your life changes.

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PODCAST-The Gen Z and Millennial Myths of Estate Planning

Today Jacob Murphy goes through the top 5 most frequent myths he hears working in the estate planning world from young millennials and Gen Z people around his age. I’m not old enough, I don’t have assets yet, it’s too expensive. Nonsense! Let’s look at these myths for what they are and discuss why estate planning is truly for everyone, why you always have more than you think and how crucial planning tools are more accessible than ever.

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PODCAST-A Talk With my Dad About Estate Planning

In this week’s very special episode, Jacob sits down and and has a conversation about estate planning with his father Raymond Murphy. We discuss how Raymond’s experience with estate planning has changed over the course of his years as a lawyer and as Jacob’s father.

We discuss the importance of what an estate plan means in regards to respecting one’s legacy and the value and ease of a tool like Gentreo being used from everything from simple travel all the way to charitable donations after you pass.

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