Health Care Proxy
Decide who will make medical decisions on your behalf, in case you become incapacitated. This person is called your agent.
- Name Agents (Surrogates/Representatives)
- Direct Medical Decisions
- Make Advance Directives
- Give Family Access
Protect your healthcare choices with a Health Care Proxy
Decide who will make medical decisions on your behalf, in case you become incapacitated. This person is called your agent.
- Name Agents (Surrogates/Representatives)
- Direct Medical Decisions
- Make Advance Directives
- Give Family Access
Your Gentreo Plan Includes a Health Care Proxy!
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The document we call a Health Care Proxy has has a different name in some states. Click here to learn about what this document is called in each state.
Do you need a Health Care Proxy?
Yes! Everyone over the age of 18 needs a Health Care Proxy – also known as a Power of Attorney for Health Care or a Health Care Representative – to make sure your health care decisions are in the hands of someone you trust if you ever can’t make them for yourself. You should also make Advance Directives, such as a Living Will, to specify your choices for life-sustaining treatments and other medical procedures. Gentreo includes it all!
Your Health Care Proxy assigns who will make decisions about your medical care and what kind of care you wish to receive if you become incapacitated.
Our estate planning service gives you what you need to protect the ones you love.
Simple to create
We guide you through each step so you can customize a full and complete Health Care Proxy and Living Will where applicable. You can update it any time.
Securely shared
Decide who should have access to your Health Care Proxy. Then, share it easily and safely.
Instantly accessible
Access your Health Care Proxy instantly from anywhere if you or your loved ones need it.

Gentreo is peace of mind! My mother constantly loses her legal documents. Now, we have Gentreo and the Family Vault. I can now leave the state (literally!).
Kate B.
Legally binding, always up to date.
- Gentreo was created by experienced attorneys.
- As life and the law changes, Gentreo helps you navigate those changes.
- You can make changes whenever you need to.

Learn More About Creating a Health Care Proxy
Estate planning can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Find answers to common questions about creating your Health Care Proxy and planning for your future here.
A Health Care Proxy is a legal document that allows you to nominate someone to make health care decisions for you if you become unable to make or communicate those decisions, yourself. The person you chose is called your health care agent. Other terms for this document are Power of Attorney for Health Care (Health Care Power of Attorney), Health Care Representative, and Health Care Agent. A Gentreo Health Care Proxy also includes HIPPA authority, options around advance directives, a Living Will where applicable, and the opportunity to express specific personal wishes.
Both of these documents are Advance Directives where you make decisions now when you are capable about what you want to happen in the future when you are incapacitated. A Health Care Proxy allows you to appoint someone you trust to make health care decisions for you if you cannot make them yourself. A Living Will allows you to express what type of care you want or do not want at the end of life. The good news is a Gentreo Health Care Proxy allows you to both appoint someone to make your healthcare decisions AND allows you to express your end of life treatment decisions all in one document.
A Health Care Proxy is also known as a Medical Power of Attorney, Power of Attorney Medical, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, or Advance Health Care Directive. Click here to learn what this document is called in each state.
Most everyone 18 or older, especially those persons who have been diagnosed with a serious health condition. You need a Health Care Proxy so that the most intimate decisions involving your health are decided by someone you trust, in the event that you cannot make and/or communicate your wishes.
Yes, each state has a different form with a different set of requirements. However, the basic principle is the same for all states.
Basically, yes. It is confusing because, in the United States, we do not have a uniform law and a uniform name for the document which enables a competent adult (principal) to designate a person (agent) to make health care decisions for the principal in the event that he/she is unable to make and/or communicate decisions about medical treatment. Click here to learn more.
With a Health Care Power of Attorney or Health Care Proxy, you should consider the type of care and treatment you can receive, the care providers and doctors who may be assigned for the treatment, where you would live in your old age according to your financial status, and who will take care of you.
An Advance Directive is a document that you complete directing what you want to happen in regards to your medical treatment if you become incapacitated. A Power of Attorney for Health Care is a type of Advance Directive. Usually, Advance Directives refer to specific written instructions a person has written regarding what life sustaining treatment he/she wants.
In general, a standard Health Care Proxy/Medical Power of Attorney does not grant your agent authority regarding mental health treatment. Some states’ laws have allowed a person to designate an agent for mental health treatment. If you would like your agent to make decisions regarding mental health treatment or have specific wishes, you should still document it within your Health Care Proxy. It could be used as evidence in a court proceeding.